11:11:11 Oracle Vision
Anrita Melchizedek
11:11:11 ~ Stargate Activation of Divine Love
Mp3 download http://www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm
You Tube Video http://www.youtube.com/user/childrenofthesun1
You Tube Video http://www.youtube.com/user/AnritaMelchizedek
On November 11th, 2011, we are presented with an unparalleled, unprecedented Now moment through the 11:11:11 Stargate activation of Divine Love to collectively ascend as these first wave souls in human embodiment of the I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light, and become these Flames of Divine Love with the new DNA encodings of Light activated at this time, while lifting ourselves in cosmic consciousness awareness into the Golden Age of Atlantis.
This glorious activity of Light, heralded as the gateway into this Golden Age and New Earth is amplified and activated through the Arkansas, Lake Titicaca and Sedona stargates and Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, and from here moves through all the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, vortices, leylines, sacred sites and chakras of Mother Earth, attuning us to a fifth dimensional frequency of Divine Love and experienced through the 144 Crystalline Unity Grid of Divine Love.
To re-experience our Highest Potential through the Patterns of Perfection, just prior to the Fall of Atlantis, the High Priests to the Order of Melchizedek sealed the etheric records of our Highest Potential and Master key codes of Light in the One Unity Consciousness Portal in the land of Khem, later to be called Egypt, built underground Cities of Light and additionally relocated nine of the Atlantean extraterrestrial crystals within and around the crystalline field of Atlantis. Three of these primary crystals were relocated to Arkansas, with other locations in Brazil, Mt. Shasta, Bolivia and the Sargasso sea. The Golden Solar Sun Disc discs through the Crystalline Cities of Light were further activated as these stargate portals of Light linking us into the higher dimensions, with the Lake Titicaca Golden Solar Sun Disc disc and Crystalline City of Light serving as an interdimensional Portal of Divine Love through which the first wave of human ascensions could occur. The Company of Heaven knew that when we were at a point to collectively ascend, to become the I Am Avatar race, taking on our Patterns of Perfection and garments of Light, these Atlantean crystals would be reactivated, and this time is Now for the first wave Souls, with the second wave of spiritual ascensions occurring in 12:12:12 through the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness, and the full actualization of all Patterns of Perfection and geometries of Light within the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
As the Cystro-Sun-Disc activation takes place within the Arkansas stargate, amplified through the Platinum Flame of Universal Christ Consciousness and the Overlighting of the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light, this activation will “Fire the Grid” and in particular the 144 Crystalline Grid and all the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, bringing in the new DNA encodings of Light through the 12 helices to these Golden Solar Sun Disc discs. Simultaneously, as this Platinum Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness travels through all the Grids of Light, it ignites within Lake Titicaca to activate this Golden Solar Sun Disc disc as the Portal of Divine Love. As this Divine Feminine Portal of Light is activated in the beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love, the ray Overlighting us in this year of 2011, these key codes trigger the activation of the Divine Masculine Portal of Light within Sedona, merging these Divine archetypes of Light within ourselves and that of all Life through the clockwise rotating vortex within Lake Titicaca and that of the counter clockwise rotation of the Sedona vortex, amplified through the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness. As this unity between the Titicaca-Sedona vortex fields occurs, we actualize the new DNA encodings of empowerment, Love and wisdom and merge into a fifth dimensional stargate of Divine Love as these Flames of Divine Love and Group I Am Avatar Body of Light.
Additionally, the universal axiatonal lines will be amplified through the Unity Grid of Divine Love and through this fifth dimensional stargate of Divine Love, assists in the activation and actualization of the new DNA encodings of Light, through the spin points found along the acupuncture meridian lines in our bodies, and the spin points found along the meridian points and leylines of Mother Earth. As we release our human mis-creations, and actualize these new DNA encodings of Light through the 12 helices of the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, our chakras start to merge in one unified column of Light. As all the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, Crystalline Cities of Light, sacred sites, vortices and chakras of Mother Earth are wrapped in the Platinum Flame of Universal Christ Consciousness, the Pink-Orange Flame of Divine Love and the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness, we take these ray frequencies within and around this Earth plane to assist in the clearing of all human mis-creations so all Life may choose to experience themselves as Flames of Divine Love.
Furthermore, these pulsating waves of Divine Love will assist in actualizing the Crystalline City of Light within Sedona into the physical/etheric realms, becoming the blueprint of Light for the actualization of all the Crystalline Cities of Light within and around this earth plane.
We are Overlighted in this stargate activation of Divine Love on 11:11:11 by the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, including the Christed Extraterrestrials, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light, as well as the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, the Chohans of the Rays, the Galactic Federation of the Light, the Mighty Elohim, the Brotherhood of the Light, the Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Universal Logoi, the Mahatma, and Mother/Father God, as well as the Divine Unfolding Light of the Platinum Ray of Universal Christ Consciousness, the Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love and the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness. All eyes, hearts and minds from On High are upon this sacred jewel on which we physically exist, as we truly become these Flames of Divine Love, in service to Mother Earth and all her Life, re-experiencing the parallel reality of the Golden Age of Atlantis. As we take on our Patterns of Perfection as our I Am Presence through our I Am Avatar Blueprints, our etheric electronic bodies of Light and Adam Kadmon Bodies of Light, we are encoded through the rays of eternal Light with the new DNA activation key codes of Light of empowerment, Love and wisdom, and the memories of our multidimensionality as Master Beings and co-creators to the Company of Heaven. As the left and right hemispheres of our brain are perfectly balanced through the merging with our Divine Masculine and Feminine archetypes of Light, we have the ability to truly become these Flames of Divine Love and Spiritually ascend in our physical bodies as Mother Earth Herself ignites to hold the Flame of Divine Love for all Life on this earth plane through a group collective Planetary Merkaba Vehicle of Light.
Invocation for the 11:11:11 Stargate Activation of Divine Love
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,
the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,
the Chohans of the Rays; El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,
the Mighty Elohim,
the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,
Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,
the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,
and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
As I now connect into the Unity Grid of Divine Love,
I link with Light workers, starseeded ones and all the Beings of Light from On High,
assisting in the ascension process of Mother Earth.
Wrapped in the Platinum Flame of Universal Christ Consciousness,
I now align to the inner earth Sun, the Golden Solar Sun disc of light within my heart, the Sun, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun,
and now experience myself within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
I now bring my focus to Arkansas and the recoding of the Golden Solar Sun Disc within the crystal vortex of Arkansas.
As a Child of the Sun, I am now taken in a Planetary Merkaba Vehicle of Light into this Crystalline City of Light within Arkansas containing this Golden Solar Sun Disc and celestial vibrations of Divine Light.
Greeted and welcomed as an initiate of Light,
I now assist in the recoding of the Golden Solar Sun Disc.
As this occurs, the Platinum Flame of Universal Christ Consciousness expands exponentially through the 144 Crystalline Unity Grid of Divine Love,
unlocking the new DNA encodings through the activation of all the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs and the 12 helices of Light,
bringing through a deeper level of higher communication, empowerment, Love and wisdom,
and further amplified through the universal axiatonal lines.
As I now release and transmute my human mis-creations,
I experience these increased light frequencies within my body and energy field,
downloading and activating the new DNA encodings of Light.
I now find myself within the Crystalline City of Light within Lake Titicaca, assisting in igniting this stargate of Divine Love as this ascension portal of Light.
Wrapped in this Pink-Orange Flame of Divine Love and Illumined Truth, I now activate the ascension key codes of Divine Love within my Self through the embrace of the Divine Mother and all the Divine Feminine archetypes of Light.
I now find my Self within the Crystalline City of Light within Sedona,
surrounded in the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness and the Overlighting of the Divine Father and all the Divine Masculine archetypes and Beings of Light from On High.
I now experience the merging of my Divine Masculine and Feminine archetypes of Light through the embrace of the Lake Titicaca and Sedona stargates and vortices of Light.
As this occurs, I experience my spiritual ascension through the Lake Titicaca stargate and the Grace of Mother/Father God,
as my chakras start to merge in One Unified Column of Light,
as I truly become this Flame of Divine Love.
And now, as I actualize the new DNA encodings of empowerment, Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness, I experience this fifth dimensional Portal of Divine Love and the remembrance of the Golden Age of Atlantis.
As I step into the remembrance of my Highest Potential through the Patterns of Perfection as a sacred Master Being, a Divine Flame of Love and initiate of Light through this Portal of Divine Love,
I now experience my I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light being activated within my body and energy field through the merging with my I Am Presence, linking me into the Group I Am Avatar Body of Light.
I now find my Self back within this Crystalline Healing City of Light within Sedona, experiencing different healing chambers, breathing chambers, DNA activation chambers, colors, healing rays and fragrances and Light modules, and now an Embassy of Peace, with the knowing that this is the reality for this New Earth.
I now assist in activating the Crystalline Healing City of Light within Sedona onto the physical/etheric planes, as a blueprint of Divine Light and Love for all Crystalline Cities of Light and all earth inhabitants.
As this Flame of Divine Love, as this first wave Soul in human embodiment of the I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light, as this Ambassador of Peace,
I now assist in wrapping the earth and all her Life in this Platinum Flame of Universal Christ Consciousness,
this Pink-Orange Flame of Divine Love and this Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness, releasing human mis-creations and allowing all Life the experience of empowerment, Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness through the Light Body of Mother Earth and the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love.
I now find my Self back in my sacred space,
grounding into the crystal heart of Mother Earth as this Flame of Divine Love,
taking on the Planetary key codes of the group collective consciousness of Light,
and connecting to all Life in One Unity Consciousness.
I am a Flame of Divine Love,
I am One with all Life,
I Am an ascending Master Being of Divine Love in Service to Mother Earth and all Her Life.
This Divine embodiment is All That I Am.
Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek http://www.pleiadianlight.net
Co-created by Adi’El http://www.newlightfusion.com
Music by Mike Hammer ~ http://www.michaelhammer.com
In appreciation to James Tyberonn ~ http://www.earth-keeper.com
In collaboration with Children of the Sun http://www.childrenofthesun.com
Divine Love
A Transmission by the Elders through Anrita Melchizedek
You Tube http://www.youtube.com/user/AnritaMelchizedek
Mp3 download http://www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm
Welcome sweet ones; it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now. And, indeed the Legions upon Legions of Light rejoice too in this moment as you truly 'are' these Flames of Divine Love. We have talked to you often about becoming these Flames of Divine Love, of stepping forward into greater levels of service through the heart-felt energies experienced in vibrating frequency and attunement into the higher dimensions. And now, indeed, sweet ones, Heaven and Earth are merging as these new DNA encodings of Light come online through the Unity Grid of Divine Love and are activated at a cellular level within your body. We speak to you now as the new emerging I-AM Avatar collective of Light. For this is what you are, sweet ones; you are the Heavenly Realms on Earth; you are the Ascended Masters, the transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and in essence the transformers of this earth plane into One Unity consciousness. As you have experienced this 11:11:11 gateway of Divine Love, and the magnificence and preciousness of yourselves through the embrace of the entire Company of Heaven, through the Higher Light of all collective Lightworkers and Beings of Light from on High, you experience in this Now your full magnificence and preciousness as this Master race, as these wayshowers, teachers and healers. You have the opportunity now to create and affect change on this earth plane through the sacred geometric key codes of Light that are activated within your bodies at a cellular level. How you ground this reality, sweet one, within your individual puzzle piece will become much easier now and flow with grace and ease, with loving-kindness and compassion, as you have the Cosmic Consciousness awareness and connection into the Realms of Illumined Truth and Divine Love to live your life fully -- in joy, in Love, in bliss, in abundance; in the full magnificence and preciousness of all that you are as these sacred Master Beings. And indeed, sweet ones, we speak to you in terms of already becoming these Flames of Divine Love for this is what this gateway has provided for you.
And if you have yet to experience moving through this 11:11:11 gateway of Divine Love or have indeed already experienced this, this Now reality, expresses within you a deep sense of the knowing of this New Earth, a deep sense of the knowing of these multi-dimensional realities, being activated through the Unity Grid of Divine Love in such a way that you truly see, sense and experience the magnificence of all creation -- in your beingness and in 'all' of Life around you as you look through your Master eyes.
Those of you still working with the remnants of the negative ego aspects and false beliefs and judgments will find that you are able to do this with a much deeper level of grace and compassion and loved for Self. For, sweet ones, it is truly a time of loving yourselves unconditionally, of experiencing your magnificence in compassion, and appreciation of Self; and with this, appreciating others. Seeing the Light and the Love through your Master eyes allows you to experience this in all of creation around you. And this is indeed your reality, sweet ones. You have already ascended into the Light; you have experienced this in parallel realities and this is again a joyous reunion of joining Heaven on Earth.
The symphony of Light from the Legions upon Legions of Light from On High wish to congratulate you on moving into this sacred Now moment and experiencing All That You are, sweet ones, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. It is upon you, and it is your reality. And in this lifetime, on this plane of polarity you have waited a long time to experience this level of Light and Divine Love. You are able to link telepathically to one another, to experience a sense of One Unity Consciousness, to experience your Ascended Master's skills and gifts, deeper levels of clairvoyance, clairsentients, clairaudience as you dine with the Masters of Light on both the inner and outer planes. You express this in a greater level of creativity and freedom and kindness and compassion; and in the abundance of the Universe, magnetizing and bringing into your reality all that you need in any given Now moment.
The celestial celebrations are already being experienced.
As you bring a focus to consciously grounding the energies of Divine Love as this collective I-AM Avatar race, experiencing the activation of the I-AM Avatar Blueprints of Light as you have collectively ascended as these physical Master Beings in Illumined Grace, in Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness, the chakras are merging in one unified column of Light. The crystalline structure amplified through the energy of all that you are in your magnificence is now being expressed at a cellular level as these subatomic particles spin in this increased frequency of Divine Love through the fifth dimensional template of this Golden Age of Light.
As you experience a deeper level of communion with the Divine and all Life, you take this out into your realities, to your geographical locations, into your networking with Lightworkers and starseeded ones and, indeed, with all humanity in such a way that you 'have' the ability to assist others to see their Highest Potential. For, indeed, you are these wayshowers, these healers, these teachers and facilitators of Light. And we applaud you in moving into this sacred, Cosmic arena and the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God, while in service in physical form on this earth plane. For indeed, it has been very challenging, sweet ones, and some of you may still be experiencing the challenges of integrating yourself at a deeper level of Love and One-Unity Consciousness. Not only are you surrounded by Legions and Legions of Light, not only are you merging at a deeper level with your Mighty I-AM Presence in 'all' your magnificence, in 'all' your Light; but in your individual puzzle pieces you are creating all that you have ever wanted to experience by following your heart's joy, following that which brings the 'Heartbeat' of Divine Love through this Cosmic Creation into your realities. Hold this focus of knowing yourselves as these Flames of Divine Love; hold the focus of this reality of One-Unity consciousness, sweet ones. While the human mis-creations may still be played out through free will, the time is coming when all Life on this earth plane will be lifted into this Cosmic Flame of Divine Love, into the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God. And you have been given this gift in this Now, this awakening of expressing yourself in physical forms, as these Master Beings, care-takers of Light to Mother-Earth and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. For this is in essence your Service work.
As you connect through this Unity Grid of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness, experience the planetary key codes and DNA encodings of Light that will take 'you' into a deeper level of Service, that will take you into experiencing yourselves as these Angelic Beings of Light, as these Ascended Masters of Light. Know this to be your reality. For truly we rejoice in this reunion, of you coming home and experiencing yourselves within the collective Heart of Mother-Earth as these transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
And with this we bid you a most magical day.
Transcribed by AliceAnn
Activation of the Crystalline City of Light within Sedona
Mp3 download http://www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm Welcome, my sweet friends. This is Anrita Melchizedek, and I am shortly going to be making a connection to the Elders, Ancient Celestial Beings, and High Council members to the Order of Melchizedek for the 11:11:11 Gateway activation of Divine Love; and the focus of this transmission will be on the activation of the Crystalline Healing City of Light above Sedona. This Crystalline City of Light has been well documented by Genii Townsend and her late husband, and is part of this beautiful, incredible activity of Light that we are experiencing at this time , primarily spearheaded by James Tyberonn and Earth Keepers, in Arkansas, and the activation of this platinum Atlantean crystal found within these crystal beds in the Pinnacle Mountains ~ and also linking in to Tiara Kumara and Children of the Sun within Lake Titicaca, this beautiful vortex of Divine Love, holding this essence of the Divine Feminine; and also into Sedona which is the third Gateway being primarily activated at this time through the firing of this Grid and of course from here into the Unity Grid of Divine Love and through this activation all of us experiencing these new DNA encodings of Light through the Golden Solar Sun Discs. This activation we’re going to be doing will be taking us through the Crystalline Cities of Light experienced in the Mayan Underworld Focus from Day One to Day Seven. These Crystalline Cities of Light hold ray frequencies and are also related to the earth chakra points of Mother Earth , so as we activate these Crystalline cities and experience these ray frequencies and experience them for Mother Earth and all her life, we will direct them to this Crystalline City of Light within Sedona, and assist in anchoring this beautiful Healing City of Light on to ground level. The Elders: Welcome, sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you experience this 11:11:11 Gateway of Divine Love, for truly you all are these Flames of Divine Love, sweet ones. And as the Earth and all her life is lifted in to 92% light quotient through this activation, primarily in Arkansas, it is a time where you are able to transmute those lower frequencies and experience all that you are as these magnificent Master Beings and Keepers of Light to Mother Earth and all her life. And truly the rewards are immense, sweet ones, as you step into greater levels of service, as you have the opportunity as these First Wave Souls in Human Embodiment of the I AM Avatar blueprint of Light to come together and experience your physical ascension of Light. For a moment now, connect into this Unity Grid of Light, to the Light workers and Starseeded ones in ceremony all around this Earth plane linking through this beautiful pink-orange flame of Divine Love and Illumined Truth with one another, Overlighted now by this beautiful platinum flame of Universal Christ Consciousness brought through by the Brotherhood of the Light and now the golden flame of One Unity Consciousness. As you bring your focus to Arkansas, to Earth Keepers and James Tyberonn, experiencing a sense of this activation of this beautiful platinum crystal of Higher Communications and Empowerment now as this activation occurs, as this platinum crystal is decoding and the Grids are being fired. You now bring your focus to Lake Titicaca, where these key codes of Light are being activated primarily through the assistance of Tiara Kumara and Children of the Sun. As this Divine Feminine Stargate Portal of Light is now activated through this Crystalline City of Light and Golden Solar Sun Disc, bring a focus to Sedona as these beautiful red rocks are now activated through this Divine Masculine vortex of Light merging and marrying with that of Lake Titicaca. The Sedona Vortex is embraced through the essence by the Star seeded ones being gathered there through the Gaia and Tribe Conference spearheaded by Solara An-Ra, Goddess of Light. And now, sweet ones, in order to activate this City of Light within Sedona on to ground level ~ this beautiful Healing City of Light ~ having within it many beautiful Healing Chambers, DNA Activation Chambers, gardens, fountains of Light, sounds, colours, scents, healing vibrations, breath-atariums, birth-atariums, DNA activation chambers, music, sonic and ray frequency chambers of Light ~ we take you through all the Crystalline Cities of Light experienced in the rhythmic balance of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Underworld Focus ~ these Crystalline Cities of Light that you have experienced from Day One to Day Seven of the Universal Underworld Focus is experienced and amplified at this time through the ray frequencies, further activating the Earth chakra points and allowing for the merging of your own chakras into this unified column of Divine Light and the experience truly of yourselves as these Flames of Divine Love. You now find yourselves in the Crystalline City of Light above Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa, bringing through this First Ray of Will and Power. As you enter into this beautiful Crystalline City of Light, surrounded in this red flame of Empowerment, experience a deeper level of power within yourself, trusting and surrendering to the Divine. Wrap the Earth and all her life in this beautiful red Flame of Empowerment as you now direct this frequency to this Crystalline City of Light in Sedona. And now you find yourself within the Crystalline City of Light above Mount Kilauea in Hawaii, wrapped in the beautiful blue flame of the Second Ray of Love and Wisdom as you take yourself into a deeper level of self-love and self-nurturing, in deeper expression of your beautiful gifts and individual puzzle pieces, you wrap the Earth and all her life in this beautiful blue Flame of Love and Wisdom and direct it now to this Crystalline Healing City of Light within the etheric of Sedona. You now experience yourself within the Crystalline City of Light within Uluru, Australia, surrounded now in this beautiful yellow Flame of Divine Intelligence, with the key quality of Wisdom through Knowledge. You further link in to this beautiful golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the sacred vortex and Crystalline City of Light experiencing an amplification of the downloads and activations of these new DNA encodings of Light and a deeper remembrance of your multi-dimensionality as this Initiate of Light. You now find yourself within the Crystalline City of Light above Lake and Mountain Batur, in Bali, surrounded in the beautiful seafoam-green and violet coloured Ray of Transcendence, bringing through the key quality of Transmutation. As you transmute, release, heal and Love all aspects of yourself, you surround Mother Earth and all her life in this beautiful sea-foam green and violet coloured Ray further activating this sacred earth chakra point. You now direct this beautiful sea-foam green and violet coloured Ray to this Crystalline City of Light within Sedona as you wrap the Earth and all her life in this beautiful Eighth Ray of Transcendence. You now find yourself in the Crystalline City of Light above Delphi in Greece, surrounded in the beautiful blue-green Flame of Light of the Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials, bringing through the key quality of Purpose through Joy. As you align into your sacred Divine eight-cell blueprint, finding the purpose and passion of your life task and individual puzzle piece within this collective, you now surround the Earth and all her life in this beautiful blue-green Flame of Light of Highest Potentials and direct this Flame of Light to the Crystalline City of Light within Sedona. You now find yourself in the Crystalline City of Light above Mt Fuji in Japan, surrounded now in the beautiful pearlescent Flame of Light of the Tenth Ray of Divinity, bringing in this perfect balance between Empowerment, Love and Wisdom, as you experience this Divinity and Synergy within yourself through the key quality of Synergy through Divine Equality. As you experience this sense of Unity Consciousness in the recognition of the Divine Equality of all Life ~ simply the levels of Cosmic Consciousness Awareness that differs from individual to individual ~you now wrap the earth and all her life in this beautiful pearlescent Flame of Divinity; and direct now this pearlescent Flame to this Crystalline City of Light within Sedona. You now experience yourself in the beautiful Crystalline City of Light above the Tor in Glastonbury, surrounded in the beautiful pink-orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Wisdom and Divine Love, this beautiful pink-orange Flame holding the energy of the Divine Feminine for this year 2011. The key word here is Compassion, sweet ones, experiencing compassion for yourself, loving kindness, patience ~ and taking these qualities out as you wrap Mother Earth and all her life in this beautiful pink-orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love, and from here you now direct this beautiful pink-orange Flame to the Crystalline City of Light within Sedona. You now experience yourself in the Crystalline City of Light above Palenque, in Mexico. As you are surrounded now in this beautiful golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness, as you experience this sense of Unity Consciousness, of this connection to all life, of this connection to one another, experience this amplification now, through this Crystalline Grid of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness. Truly experience the hearts and minds of all Light workers, and Starseeded ones, all the Beings of Light from On High assisting in this ascension process, linking through this matrix to all Life now. Experiencing these key codes, sacred geometries, sonic frequencies and emissions of Light, stargates and portals, as you merge now with your I AM presence, this Highest Light of who you are, within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. This Flame of Unity Consciousness is to be experienced and amplified in the year 2012, but is experienced in this Now, through representing the Divine Masculine archetype of Light, and the merging of Sedona to Lake Titicaca, representing the Divine Feminine archetype of Light, in becoming these Flames of Divine Love, the sense of this merging of your own inner Divine Feminine and Masculine archetypes of Light brings you to a deeper level of wholeness and Love and appreciation of Self. And now experience yourself in the Crystalline City of Light above the Great Pyramid in Egypt, Overlighted by the Cosmic Ray of Solar Service, of Solar Christ Consciousness, the energy vibration that will be activated on this planet at 12:12:12. Experience too this beautiful Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within this Crystalline City of Light bringing through these multi-dimensional memories as an Initiate of Light from ancient Egypt and Atlantis, bringing through the teachings of the Melchizedek Brotherhood and the Law of One, in the remembrance of your magnificence and your preciousness as this Flame of Divine Love holding these key codes of Light of the I AM Avatar blueprint of Light. This beautiful ray of Solar Service Overlights you now, taking you into a deeper level of connection in Cosmic Consciousness awareness to the solar system and all the planets within the solar system, through the Overlighting in particular of Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logoi. Have a sense of the solar flares activating the electromagnetic field of Mother Earth aligning and activating your electromagnetic field, taking you in to a deeper level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness and your connection to the Realms of Illumined Truth. The keyword here is on Manifestation, of being these manifesting Beings of Light, able to magnetize and bring into your reality all that you need in this Now. You now take this beautiful copper-gold Flame of Light around this Earth plane, and now direct it into this Crystalline City of Light within Sedona. Wonderful. And now you find yourself within the Crystalline City of Light above Mount Denali in Alaska, surrounded in a beautiful silver flame of Illumination, through the Overlighting in particular of the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. As you experience this sense of illumination and joy through your bodies and energy fields now, experience too the increased frequencies of the Photonic Rays of Light spinning the electron-positron pairs within the body, releasing old cellular memories and karmic issues, taking you into the fifth dimensional alignment of Light and Divine Love now. Surround the earth and all her life now in this beautiful silver flame of Interstellar Christ Consciousness And now direct this beautiful silver flame to the Crystalline Healing City of Light within Sedona. And now , sweet ones, you find yourself within the Crystalline City of Light within Mount Shasta. This City of Light is anchored at a ground level and experienced in this beautiful silver-gold flame of Light of Galactic Christ Consciousness through the Overlighting of the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and the Brotherhood of the Light. The key word here is that of Sacred Sexuality, of the activation of the kundalini and tantric channels into a level of self-mastery, into a level of androgyny. There is also one of the Master Atlantean Crystals activated within the crystal beds of Mt Shasta ~ experience this crystalline frequency now, linking you in to this beautiful Golden Age of Atlantis. Experience now this increased level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness and the energy in particular of the super-electron spinning the positron-electron pairs within the body in increased levels of Cosmic Light, creating and building the I AM Avatar blueprint of Light. Now wrap the earth and all her life in this beautiful silver-gold flame of Light of Galactic Christ Consciousness, and direct it to this Crystalline City of Light within Sedona. And now find yourself in the beautiful Crystalline City of Light within Lake Titicaca, this beautiful golden flame of Light that takes you into a deeper level of expansiveness through the Spiritual Microtron, able to spin the sub-atomic particles in the body in increased frequencies of Light through the splitting of the atom into even smaller sub-atomic particles and with this building this beautiful I AM Avatar Body of Light, taking on the crystalline structure at a cellular level within the body, that will allow for you to truly ascend through this portal of Divine Love and this gateway, this stargate into the higher dimensions. While this ray is primarily Overlighted by the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, teachers to the Pleiadians, teachers to all Life, the experience of moving into this expanded state of consciousness is one of connecting at a multi-dimensional level of Light. Experience this sense of the Divine Feminine within yourselves, sweet ones, this is the ascension portal through which you, as these first wave souls in human embodiment of the I AM Avatar blueprint of Light may choose to ascend ~ may choose to physically ascend in such a way as to take on the memories of your full magnificence. Having the ability to step into deeper levels of World Service, as teachers and leaders and wayshowers on this earth plane while in physical embodiment, having the key codes within yourselves activated, so that you too activate those around you geographically and energetically simply through your Beingness, as these Master Beings of Divine Love, as these Flames of Divine Love. You now direct this beautiful golden Flame of Light around this earth plane, wrapping Mother Earth and all her Life in this sacred flame of Intergalactic Christ Consciousness. And now you bring your focus to the etheric Crystalline City of Light within Machu Picchu in Peru. As you experience this beautiful platinum flame of Light, you link in again through this Unity Grid of Light into experiencing the universal axiatonal lines brought through by the Brotherhood of the Light, healing of the human mis-creations, and letting go of your own cellular memories and false beliefs and judgments, bringing you into a greater level of healing and vibrational attunement to the higher dimensions, as the spin points within your body found along the axiatonal meridian lines are now activated through particular sound and color geometries of light. As you are wrapped in this beautiful platinum flame of Light, surround Mother Earth and all her Life in this platinum flame of Universal Christ Consciousness, One Unity Consciousness, through the Overlighting of the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light. And now as these thirteen chakra points of Mother Earth are now activated, as the kundalini energy slowly moves in this spiraling vortex through these primary vortices of Light and chakra points, experience this within yourself as you direct this beautiful platinum flame of Light into this Crystalline Healing City of Light within Sedona. As Mother Earth and all her Life is lifted into this beautiful fifth dimensional frequency of Divine Love, as you connect now into the Golden Solar Sun Discs within and around this earth plane, and now to one another now, experience this sense of your chakras merging into one unified column of Light, of activating your I AM Avatar blueprint of Light, this perfected Adam Kadmon body of Light, your etheric electronic body of Light. As you assist now in creating a group planetary Merkaba Vehicle of Light as this I AM Avatar Group collective, find yourself within this City of Light within Sedona. You now experience these beautiful Healing Chambers of Light, DNA Activation Chambers, magical flowers and healing scents, sonic vibrations and sacred geometries ~ and meeting with family and friends of the Light. If there is anything that you are needing at this Now moment to take you in to a deeper level of experiencing yourself as this Sacred Flame of Divine Love through this Crystalline City of Light, through the Overlighting of the Pleiadians and Sirians and Arcturians, all of the Light, bringing through their advanced technologies, Healing Chambers, sacred geometries, sonic vibrations and Divine Love ~ receive this now ~ Re-calibration Chambers, Divine Love Chambers, Twin Flame Chambers, Breathing Chambers; drink from the beautiful pink waters in these fountains, see these beautiful flowers, spring scents, healing scents ~ park benches gently massaging your backs ~ experiencing this joy, this freedom, the essence of all that you are as this Flame of Divine Love; for this beautiful Crystalline Healing City of Light , sweet ones, wrapped in this beautiful golden flame of One Unity Consciousness and experienced through the vibrating light of all the ray frequencies, through your Higher Light and I AM Presence, through the Company of Heaven, is about to be anchored into the physical/etheric realms so that all Life may start to experience this Healing City of Light, so that you may experience these healing energies through this prototype, this blueprint of Divine Love. You experience now being part of this collective vibration of Divine Light, of assisting in anchoring this beautiful Crystalline City of Light to a ground level within Sedona. This beautiful Crystalline City of Light found above the Angel Retreat Center in Sedona. Wonderful. Come back into your sacred space, wherever you might be on this sacred day, breathing in this beautiful platinum flame, this pink-orange Flame of Divine Love and Illumination, this golden Flame of Unity Consciousness, truly experiencing yourself as this Flame of Divine Love, and with this we bid you a most magical day.
Transcribed by Eadie Miller
(C) Anrita Melchizedek. Web Address www.pleiadianlight.net
Email info@pleiadianlight.net
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